The Association shall be called the EASTERN COUNTIES CYCLING ASSOCIATION, it being comprised of Clubs within the Eastern Counties of England. The Objective of the Association will be to promote competitive and social cycling within its area.
Membership will be open to those Clubs affiliated to the following CTT Districts: London East, London North, London South, East, South East and South East Midlands.
The Association will continue the objectives of the Eastern Counties Road Records Association, to check and certify the genuineness of claims to best performance on record accomplished by cyclists un-paced on roads within the Eastern Counties and to prevent the publication of unchecked records.
A Club wishing to join the Association shall complete the relative application form obtainable from the Hon. General Secretary and return it to him/her with the appropriate subscription. The application shall be considered at the next Executive Committee Meeting. Upon approval such Club shall become affiliated to the Association and subject to the rules of the Association.
The Executive Committee may reject any application without giving reason thereof, but such rejected Club shall have the right of appeal to the next General Meeting of the Association.
2. Each Club shall pay an Annual Subscription of £30.00 to cover the Financial Year commencing 1st January and ending 31st December. Subscriptions become due on the 1st October previous and if paid by 31st December will be at the discounted rate of £20. Annual subscription fee for bona fide School Cycling Clubs is 50p, and for clubs desiring to only participate in Road Record attempts is £3.00. All fees may be determined by the Annual General Meeting. Any Club not completing the Renewal Form or not paying the subscription for the current year by 15th January shall be deemed to have resigned.
3. Any affiliated Club or Member thereof guilty of conduct detrimental to the interest of the Association, may be suspended by the Executive Committee. Such Club or member thereof to have the right of appeal to a General Meeting of the Association.

  1. Clubs, if called upon, shall supply marshalling help. The Marshalling Secretary will, at the beginning of each year, contact all Clubs and will allocate marshalling duties in proportion to the total number of entrants from each Club in E.C.C.A. events the previous season, he/she will endeavour to be equitable, but any final decision must be that of the Marshalling Secretary.
  2. If a Club refuses to marshal an event the organiser of that event has the discretion to refuse entries from that Club.
  3. If a Club refuses or fails to carry out its allocated duties, the Executive Committee shall have absolute power to take whatever disciplinary action it thinks fit, including the suspension of or the banning of Clubs from future events.
  4. Clubs required to supply marshals for particular events shall be notified of their duties by the event organiser at least four weeks prior to that event.
  5. Promoters of competitive events for the Association will earn marshalling credits for their Club for each event they promote. No marshal credits will be carried over to the following year.
  6. Clubs which have lost members to other ECCA Clubs may apply in writing to the General Secretary for the consideration of the accrued marshalling duties of those members to be transferred to the Club or Clubs enrolling those members.
  7. Any Club which enrols members from another ECCA Club may be required to fulfil the marshalling commitment of those members should the Club from which they came be unable to fulfil those duties. The ECCA Executive Committee decision will be final.

  1. Entry to all Association events shall be confined to first claim members of affiliated Clubs.
  2. If a competitor's number is not returned, the competitor to whom it was issued shall not be eligible to compete in future events unless and until either the number is returned, its cost paid or an explanation given which the Executive Committee considers satisfactory.
  3. Where Open events are specified for competition purposes these shall include all those with time or distance restrictions
  4. Awards for events are specified in the Prospectus published at the beginning of each season.
  5. All ECCA trophies are perpetual and cannot be won outright.
  6. All Association events will be handicapped using the published tables based upon the CTT Standard Handicapping System.

  1. The administration of the affairs of the Association shall be carried out by the Executive Committee, consisting of the officers of the Association and four members elected at the AGM from the delegates. A quorum will consist of one third of those entitled to attend.
  2. The Officers of the Association shall consist of:- President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Assistant General Secretary, Treasurer, Social Secretary, B.A.R. Secretary, Time Trials Secretary, Marshalling Secretary, Awards Secretary, Equipment Secretary, Road Records Secretary. Not more than four members of any one Club shall be elected to serve on the Executive Committee.
  3. Executive Committee meetings shall be held bi-monthly or at such other intervals as may be deemed necessary. Urgent matters between meetings to be discussed and decided by electronic communication. Each month the Treasurer shall present a statement of accounts up to the end of the preceding month.
  4. All officials of the Association shall be required to account to the Treasurer of the Association for all monies received or expended by them on behalf of the Association.
  5. Any member or elected member of the Executive Committee, who shall be absent from two consecutive meetings unless leave of absence has been applied for or sufficient reason shown for his or her absence, shall be deemed to have resigned office. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill the vacancy. No member who has been compulsorily retired shall be eligible for election during the following year.
  6. Any Officer or member of the Executive Committee desiring to resign shall give one month's notice, in writing, to the General Secretary and shall be deemed to remain an officer or member of the Committee until the expiration of that period.
  7. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to take such steps as may be deemed necessary to ensure the proper carrying out of the programmes for the current or following season.
  8. Sub-committees shall keep minutes of their meetings and such minutes shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval at their meeting following the sub-committee meeting. Sub-committees shall be empowered to co-opt any member to assist them in the carrying out of any special event in a season's programme subject to such co-option being confirmed by the Executive Committee at their next meeting.

  1. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall take place before 31st October, at which meeting the General Secretary shall present the annual report and the Treasurer the balance sheet for the financial year ended 31st December. Each Club will be entitled to four delegates.
  2. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to Clubs six weeks prior to the date of the meeting and a copy of the Agenda fourteen days prior to the meeting. Any proposals, alterations or additions to the Rules of the Association must be in the hands of the General Secretary in writing at least 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. No alteration or addition shall be made to the Rules except with the consent of at least two thirds of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Association. Original motions for such alterations or additions shall appear on the published agenda.
  3. The Annual General Meeting shall elect a President and Vice-Presidents, and shall have power to confer Honorary Life Membership of the Association upon any member who shall, in their opinion, be deemed worthy of the honour. All of whom shall have been nominated by the Executive Committee and their names listed on the agenda for the Annual General Meeting.
  4. Two Auditors who shall not be members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
8. The General Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting of the Association on the instructions of the Executive Committee or on receipt of a request signed by the Chairman and Secretary of at least ten affiliated Clubs setting out the motion or motions desired to be put before such Special General Meeting.
9. Notices affecting the general body of members shall be forwarded by the Association to the Secretaries of all affiliated Clubs, the Secretaries of such Clubs being responsible for bringing the contents of such notice before their members.
10. In the event of the Association being wound-up:
  1. The Association's trophies will be disposed of to best advantage and the proceeds therefrom added to the General Fund.
  2. The balances on any Fund administered by the Association will be transferred to a suitable local cycling Organisation which will be required to continue the aims and objectives of each Fund.
  3. After settling all Liabilities of the Association the Committee shall dispose of the net monies remaining to Hospices selected by the Committee in the London East catchment area for their sole use.
11. Any point not provided for in these rules shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for arbitration and their decision will be final.
October 2022


The Association currently administers two Funds:

Bolton Fund: Raised in memory of Eddie Bolton with the objective of supporting and encouraging younger riders in the Association's Clubs.

Fred Fisher Fund: A Bequest in the Will of Fred Fisher specifically to support and encourage Women's racing.

The monies in these Funds are held in trust by the Association and do not constitute part of the Associations assets.